Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Preschoolers know how to Par--tay!

Jackson's preschool Halloween party this year was so laid back and relaxed - I got there at 9:30 when the kids were getting ready to go upstairs to trick or treat to the school administrators.

(That's Jackson in the black Ninja outfit, and my niece Darby as Sharpay. They walked in a neat, orderly line up the stairs, all calm and quiet!)

Of course, there was snack time. They had chips, juice boxes, rice krispie treats, so exciting!

They made a craft - they painted their hand prints to be bat wings then glued on a bat body and googley eyes, and drew on mouths and noses.

Then, the teachers were so nice - they let the kids wrap them up like mummies!

(That's Mrs. Kane, the teacher's aide - she's so sweet!)

(Jackson is getting ready to wrap up Mrs. Crawford!)

Then, the kids sang their versions of some songs they've learned in class...

And, because it's cute, this is outside Jackson's classroom:

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