Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pray for Baby Stellan

For those of you who spend less time on the internet a day than I do, you may not be familiar with Baby Stellan. Basically, he's a baby about 2 months older than Parker. The majority of his life has been spent in the hospital with something called SVT - supraventricular tachacardia. His mom has kept a blog (and she's far better at keep it updated than I am about this one!) about the entire ordeal - www.mckmama.com

I don't know if it's because he's close to Parker's age or if it's because my oldest nephew PJ also has SVT, but something about this little boy's story just tugs at my heart.

Yesterday, Baby Stellan underwent a cardiac ablation surgery - basically a last ditch effort to save his little life. The doctors told Stellan's mom it had about a 20% chance of working...

While Baby Stellan was in surgery and his mom was wondering all kinds of what-ifs, I was wrangling a 4 1/2 year old who no longer sees the need for a nap. Baby Parker is teething and he has a terrible cold and a fever. I thought I was on the verge of going nuts, then I read MCKmamas blog and realized just how lucky I was.

And, for those of you who can't wait for the update, Baby Stellan's surgery was, according to his surgeons, "A home run." It was a success! There have been some complications after the surgery, but they appear to be manageable in comparison.

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