Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1000 Thanks

Ok, so here's going to be my list of 1000 things I am thankful for this year. (Please feel free to give me some guidance here - I don't know that I can list 1000 things, although I DO have a lot to be thankful for in my life.)

1. Another day to be a wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, boss, and all those other words.
2. Ben
3. Jackson
4. Parker
5. Our new house
6. Still having a job when so many don't
7. Healthy children
8. The new laptop Ben got for me yesterday - he must be sucking up for something, right? :)
9. Being so close to my family - both physically and emotionally
10. All my friends, even though I don't see them very often.
11. My online mommy friends
12. My fancy camera to capture all the memories we make.
13. Mr. Clean magic erasers
14. Jackson's preschool - he has learned so much there - both academically and socially.
15. Having a DVR - I thought I didn't need it, I thought wrong!
16. Coffee in the morning
17. Finding old friends on Facebook
18. Liking my job most of the time
19. Warm days in the fall
20. Medical insurance coverage that pays for every need we've had so far.
21. Living close enough to the city to still enjoy the fun stuff (zoo, ball games, museums) but to have the suburbs too
22. Kings Island
23. Growing enough to be able to ride roller coasters this past summer
24. Motrin for the kiddos fevers
25. Portable DVD players, even though I said they were a silly idea
26. Nintendo DS
27. The Wii
28. Cardboard boxes (did you see my Christmas tree post?)
29. The Microcenter
30. Hubby's computer games - they make him happy
31. Chutes and Ladders - Jackson's new fave
32. Elmo - Parker's trusted sidekick
33. An ice maker in the fridge - I eat a lot of ice
34. Left over Halloween candy
35. Target being 5 minutes from my house
36. eBay
37. Hand rolled pretzels from my work
38. The sweet lady at Subway the knows Jackson just wants pepperoni and cheese - no bread - and doesn't make a fuss about it.
39. The servers at Pizza Tower who know our order by heart
40. Moe's - they even have Tofu!!
41. Top of the line car seats for keeping my boys safe
42. The PedEgg
43. Purell hand sanitizer
44. NetFlix
45. Smart phones
46. My BFF, even though we NEED coffee time!
47. Working with people who will make fun of our silly situations with me
48. Always having a place to call home
49. In laws I actually like!
50. Singulair to keep Jackson's asthma under control
51. Xopenex for when it doesn't work so much!
52. Alimentum formula - both boys had to use it - it's hypoallergenic
53. Insurance that covers said pricey formula - it's $30 for a 3 day supply... my insurance covers it thru my prescriptions - so I pay $45 for 90 days
54. Playhouse Disney
55. Nickelodeon
56. House reruns on USA
57. Law and Order SVU
58. Our armed forces
59. The families of the troops who have to sacrifice so much for our safety
60. A president I agree with
61. Popcorn
62. Jackson' knock knock jokes
63. McDonald's playland
64. The new McDonald's they built by us that has 2 drive thru lines
65. Starbucks Mocha Frappaccino lights with whipped cream on very early staff meeting days!
66. Vinegar - I clean with it, it goes in my laundry, it works wonders!
67. iCarly
68. Sausage patties for Jackson's breakfast
69. Mamwich - the new fave dinner at our house
70. Getting paid mileage to go in for said early staff meetings
71. Popsicles
72. Christmas lights
73. Winter decorations - I have a million snow men
74. Parker's jumperoo
75. GeoTrax train sets
76. Video cameras to capture memories
77. Making craft projects with the kiddies
78. New gym shoes
79. A good bargain on holiday picture cards - hopefully the kids will cooperate for a pic soon!
80. Sparklers
81. The vacuum cleaner that sucks dirt from every thing!
82. Candy canes
83. Sunglasses on a sunny day
84. Gloves for my hands when I have to pump gas in the late night.
85. Jammy pants
86. Cuddling on the couch for Family Movie Night
87. The rocking chair
88. Organic, locally grown apples - yum
89. Bananas
90. Grapes
91. Apple Jacks cereal
92. Ziploc baggies
93. Gladware or ziploc reusable containers
94. The 1100+ people who have purchased Twilight New Moon tix in advance - now I know we'll be slammed this weekend - yay!
95. County mandated recycling
96. The big kid knowing that recycling makes the earth happy, and what we do recycle and why
97. Time to scrapbook (I get very little these days)
98. Opportunities for our children to try many new things and decide what they'd like to do
99. A school system that puts the kids first
100.A Wal-Mart being right across the street from my work - I can grocery shop on my way home, at 2 AM.
101. My favorite jeans
102. Successful parent teacher conferences with positive comments!
103. Jackson's emerging counting skills
104. Jackson's counting skills (he's just like his Momma.)
105. Ben's wheeling and dealing skills (or addiction?)
106. Having a husband who can fix my computer every time I break it!
107. Having a husband who talks me off the ledge when I call freaking out
108. Having co-workers I can freak out with and then talk each other of our respective ledges
109. Singing Christmas decorations
110. Christmas lights
111. Hot cocoa, even if the big kid likes his in a sippy cup still!
112. Seeing the leaves change color
113. The way my hardwood floors sparkle when they are freshly waxed
114. Caller ID
115. Call waiting
116. TV Guide info on my tv (channel guide)
117. Info button on my TV - I'd never know what things were about otherwise!
118. Our special ornaments on the tree
119. Bendaroos
120. Aveeno lotion
121. Target brand diapers

Ok, so I suck, big time. The important thing to note - I have an amazing life that I am honored to live. I have a wonderful husband, awesome children, and the most fabulous friends I could wish for. I have a nice house that keeps us warm, a job that I can go to every day and not dread, and most of our needs get met everyday. Do I wish there were more hours in my day? Of course I do. But, I'm thankful to get to spend the hours I DO have the exact way I spend them... being happy in my crazy life!! (PS - thanks for being a part of it!)
(Yep, I know I'm going to 1000. I got bored of typing.)

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