Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's almost Christmas!!

Now, I'm not forgetting Thanksgiving, please see my posts about being thankful!

Since Parker's birthday is the day after Christmas, it is my plan to have all the Christmas stuff packed up at close of business on December 25. I don't want all the clutter when I'm trying to fit 40 people in here for a party, nor do I want Christmas trees in all his birthday pictures!

So, in true "me" fashion, the tree is up! And, we discovered the best thing ever for the boys - cardboard boxes. They've been playing in them for a week!

Jackson also discovered bubble wrap is really cool too - thanks Evan and Aubrey!

And, the boys each have tiny trees in their rooms (hello, Target Dollar spot!), but I'll have to post pictures of them later - never interrupt nap time!

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