Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's Official - I'm unemployed! (Well, til Monday)

I took this from my notes on Facebook.When I was 16, my dad told me I was getting a job. I was a typical bratty 16 year old, very spoiled and princess-y. My mom dropped me off at work and told me if I hated it I could call her and she'd come get me! Everyone was shocked when I lasted a month, then a year, then I was a manager, transferring from place to place, being promoted and running the show. (Literally!)

During my time as a manager with Showcase Cinemas, I have made so many friends, friends I have laughed with and cried with, friends that are there no matter what I need, or why I need it. (I'm not going to list names because inevitably I will forget someone.) I met my best friend in the world at the theatre, I got married while I was a manager, I was a manager when I gave birth to both my children. Of course, there were days when I'd had it and was ready to call it quits. But, one of my fellow managers or a staff member would do or say something to make it better. We were a team.

A few months ago, everything changed in my professional life. I was given the option to stay or to go, I chose to stay at that time. I still feel like that was the right choice for me and I'm glad I didn't take the deal and walk. I gave it my best shot, I transferred to a location almost an hour from home, took a huge pay cut, and worked for someone who was far different from what I was used to, but I was trying to give the new place a fair shot, or drink the kool-aid if you will. The staff and managers there were great - typical Showcase fare - of course there's the slackers and the annoying people who drive you batty - but for the most part, they were just like every location I've been at in the theatre business - work hard when you need to, have a little fun for a minute, then get back to it and do it again. The managers are mostly all new, but they are quick studies and picked it up a lot faster than I expected.

Neither the managers nor the staff were the reason I chose to leave. The drive wasn't getting to me, although an hour is a good commute. It just wasn't the right fit for me and wasn't the best choice for my family, so I decided to look elsewhere. I was really lucky that a pretty good opportunity arose fairly fast, considering the economy of today. (It took 4 months, which felt really long when I was miserable everyday, but I guess it wasn't.) I'm hoping my next endeavor will bring me as much happiness as the movie business did.

I will be forever thankful for the managers I've had that taught me to be great and appreciated me for it. For those that taught me how to work smarter, not harder. And, for those that didn't appreciate me and value what I had, I'm thankful for them too - I firmly believe you take something away from every experience you have in life. To the employees I've had who were amazing, thank you. For those that made me laugh and those that made me pull out my hair - I thank you all too.

It's really weird to be "unemployed" for the first time ever - I start my new job Monday. Even more weird than that? It's Thursday night and I'm not at the theatre counting stuff! And, it's a holiday weekend and I'm off, ALL weekend. It's nuts.

I was a damn good theatre manager and I plan to be a damn good restaurant manager, too. Buffalo Wild Wings - I hope you're ready! And, hey, if you're in the area, stop by and say hi!!

And, because it makes me feel like the last 13 years of my life were noticed and did mean something professionally, I'm copying the comments too.

Kellie Gantzer Williams : Great note Denise...and I remember the days where we did "Pre-shows" under Candy Stacey...and I also remember kinda hiding during a busy set "counting the candy room" **wink wink** were always a total blast to work with...I wish you well in your new adventures ;-) Which location will you be at? And what will you be doing??

Staci Martin Longbottom : Denise - it was fantastic to work with you, and it's not exaggerating to say that you have been a huge influence in my life. Our time at Showcase (after you stopped hating me!) was amazing and I will always remember our time together. I am a better worker for having worked with you and for you, and you taught me to have confidence in myself and to be proud of the things I accomplished. I know you will be a FANTASTIC manager at BWW, because that is what you do!

You are forever my hero and I love you! Congrats on the new job!

Denise Taylor Anderson : I will be at the Mason one (Tylersville and Snider). I will be a manager there. You were a total blast to work with too. Oh, the good ol' days! I remember when you and Scott first were dating... seems like ages ago!

Kellie Gantzer Williams : It was ages 12 years!! Sheesh! We'll have to stop out and see you sometime, especially if I can remember what night is kids eat free...hahaha

Denise Taylor Anderson : Kids eat for cheap on Wednesday, I don't think it's free, though, Kellie. And, I do still have, let's say, connections for movies. ;)

Denise Taylor Anderson : Staci - I'm sorry I hated you! And, you're a huge part of my life too - I will never, ever forget you or all the fun times. Man... we should get together soon. I don't know my new schedule, but I know I'm off all weekend. Do you work Saturday? Maybe we could do lunch?

Kellie Gantzer Williams : Dang, I thought it was free...forget it then...JK ;-) You better keep those connections, b/c judging by the admission prices you'll need a loan just to go see a movie...hehe

Denise Taylor Anderson : I know! And it just went up last week. Nuts.

Brandon Dickerson : I don't even know what to say other than you helped made all of our lives that much more special for all the years... I'm super excited for your new job and can't wait for you to do what you do! I heart Denise!

Denise Taylor Anderson : I heart you, too, Brandon. I'm so glad I got to spend time with you at Milford. I really hope this works out for you and I'll cross my fingers!

Jennifer Tabet Shea : Denise, all the best on your new ventures!

Denise Taylor Anderson : Thanks, Jen. I'm a little nervous, but confident I can make this work!

Amanda Thames : Awe Denise I'm so happy for you, I miss you and am sooooo appreciative that i had the pleasure of working with you, you brought out my feisty side I always knew was in there somewhere and i thank you for that! haha! I wish you the best of luck :0)

Phil 'Frank Jaeger' Armstrong : I was telling John this the other day, and I'll say it to you as well: you've been one of the most influential people in my professional life as well as my personal life, and I am who I am today because of your influence. Thank you for teaching me invaluable skills and ways of thinking, and above all, thank you for being a great friend. BDubs hit gold when they scouted you out and put you on their staff, and its without a doubt that you'll be a true asset to their business.

Denise Taylor Anderson : Amanda - Glad I could help! I'm really glad I got to meet you too. We should certainly catch up soon.

Denise Taylor Anderson : Phil - You are too sweet. You make me happy. I'm glad I got to be your friend and hopefully when we both have other jobs we will have time to hang out more often.

Shaad Barth : You'll do great. Good luck!!

Shaad Barth : ....even though all your future bosses will pale in comparison.....

Denise Taylor Anderson : Shaad, I agree 100%. I have worked for some great MDs in my day, but I feel like we were a good team. You complimented me well and made me a good manager. Milford was the dream team for a while. Ahhh, the good ol' days! And, I'm hoping my new bosses are cool like some of my past bosses.

Lacey Coburn : You are a damn good manager and I am sure you will do fine! I wish I got more time with you but I don't blame you for wanting to leave, I say more power to you and I hope your next job has some sweet, awesome employees.. but let's get real for a sec.. No one is gonna be as good as us. We will miss you!!!!

Jessica Collins : Denise - I have to agree with Phil and Staci...

After I got over my initial fear of you (haha how silly of me!) and learned what an amazing person you are, I have to say you have truly been an inspiration in my life. I knew I could always go to you with any problem (work related or home life) and you always had a solution. You made working at Showcase so much more entertaining and you really were one of the best things that has ever happened to that building.

You are the greatest manager I have ever been able to work with and have seriously set my expectations of future managers of mine, as well as my standards for my own work ethic, sky high.

Any person who has the opportunity to work with you is truly granted a huge blessing.

(And don't worry... I'll be at BDubs to visit you!)

Sherri Troxell : I am glad you found a new path to follow. Hopefully it will bring you lots of good friends and happy times. People come and go in our lives and make us the people we are, thats for sure. You have given me support when I needed it and I have loved our chats.I will be looking forward to the updates about the boys and the job, and wish you all the best!!!

Kristen Barklage : Because of you, my shell hardend and I take crap from no one! I honestly looked forward to my shifts with you.

Chuck Kiefer : You were one of the best managers I had ever working for me and I know that you will do great with the new job!!! Of coarse besides Shaad.

Denise Taylor Anderson : Lacey - I'll be honest, I have always secretly had faves. You certainly were one at the Greene. (Odd, I see a lot of my inner circle posting here...) I will miss your face!

Jess - I'm glad I inspired you! I hope you always remember the things I taught you and use them going forward. I was awesome, but you have the same opportunity to be awesome I was given once. Use it and be great!

Sherri - I miss our chats too, but you know what? We can still chat! I look forward to your updates about things!

Kristen - I'm glad you grew a shell... I knew you had it in you. I wish you luck and can't wait to hear about future Barklages!!

Chuck - You were certainly my favorite DM, ever. But, there wasn't a whole lot of competition honestly. But, I really think people usually work to the expectations people have for them and I appreciate that you always had faith in me. I KNOW you like beer and wings - come see me some time! (And, Shaad was good too. Working for him made me a great manager.)

Bizcuit Corwin : The voices in my head are sad now. I really enjoyed the short time I had with you. I know you will so totally kick butt at BW's. Don't think that just because you are like an hour away that you can escape my crazy. i'll be visiting.

John Munz : So I think we are going to give you a few weeks to get used to the new place and me and Josh are coming down for a visit! Good luck at Buffalo Wild Wings

Cindy Gaston : You really were an awesome manager, we'll miss you!! Good luck at Bdubs...I hope I get to visit in the future! I'm going to miss hearing, "aren't you having so much fun?" when things are a little hectic! :)

John Munz : Excus you its Buffalo wild wings, apparently they dont like to be called bdubs

Cindy Gaston : Oh...I'm sorry. Good luck at Buffalo Wild Wings. lol :)

John Munz : there you go

Steve May : I miss my hero. And I know you will be amazing super awesome sauce no matter what it is you do! You're the bomb dot com!

Laura McMahon Mullen :
YOu deserve the best! Period.

Karen Harrison : Denise you were awesome to work for. I miss seeing you at the theater when I go to see a movie! I know you will be great in your new adventure!

James Warman : You're going to do great! I'm glad you're moving on to a place where you'll be valued. Lots of luck. Stay in touch.

Clif Cooper : You always do Awesome! Good Luck! And I will be out for some wings.

Seth Russo : Congrats on the new job.

Sheryl Chaffin : Denise, I didn't get to work with you very much, nor did I get to know you very well, but from what I DID get from you was positiveness and a sense of fairness, pride in your job, and ALWAYS a SMILE!! You will be missed a LOT from the Greene! But like the others said, I know you will be awesome at your new job, and will be an amazing boss there like you were here!

Denise Taylor Anderson : Thanks guys! And, Cindy - did you have fun tonight? I'm sure it was nuts!

Munz - You're right, they don't like being called BDubs, but they haven't officially told me that yet.

Bizcuit - I fully expect you to be down for a visit! ...

You, too Clif! How's your new job, by the way?

Steve - Phil and I broke free... your turn!!

Denise Taylor Anderson : Thanks Sheryl! I enjoyed my short time working with you and hope my replacement is smiley too!!

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