Saturday, June 19, 2010

The end of an era

So, after 13.5 years in showbiz, July 1 will be my last day at the movies. I started working there as a bratty, spoiled teenager scooping popcorn - I've ran the projectors, counted more money than I'll ever have, counted more inventory than I ever care to again, and heard people say, "$4.25 for a bottle of water?! How do you sleep at night?!" at least a million times. (And, now, water is $4.50, so there!) I have safety trained thousands of employees, hired probably as many, and fired a decent amount. I managed the concession stand for years, and did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

I met Ben while I worked there (at Kings Island as the concession manager), I got engaged and married while I was at Eastgate (which is now a parking lot), and had both my children while managing at Milford. I have made so many friends - lifelong friends that I will cherish - all from this job.

But, six months ago, things changed. I tried to stay and see how it worked out, and I decided it just wasn't for me. They can choose to run their company as they see fit, but it doesn't fit for me, so I have chosen to find employment elsewhere.

Starting on July 5, you can find me at a very popular wing joint. (I don't know their internet rules, but if it's allowed, I'll post the name later.)

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