Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Now I'm the Mom of a Preschooler too!

Parker has been wanting to go to school for literally years. The deal was, though, that he had to use the potty all the time first.  Sometimes he would, sometimes he wouldn't. (That stubborn streak is showing.)

Finally he put his little mind to it and decided to use the potty all the time so we signed him up for preschool. The coolest thing is his preschool is in the same building as Jackson's elementary school, so Parker thinks he's big stuff now, since he goes to school where the big kids do.

Like his big brother, Parker just wanted new shoes and a back pack to start the year off right. He chose a Thomas back pack and some Kobe Nike's.

His teachers, Mrs. F and Mrs. S, have been amazing so far. Parker loves going to school and the teachers report he is perfectly behaved and doing well. (I've always said I'd prefer my kids to be angels at school or with other people and act up with me if they must do it.)

Parker waited patiently until school started. He sat in this chair and just looked SO big!

 is class lined up to go in and not a single one of these little guys cried. I'm fairly certain, though, that had one started, they all would have!

 This was the craft they made after reading The Kissing Hand, which is an awesome book about a baby raccoon that goes to school and is sad to leave his mom. She kisses his hand and tells him she will always be with him, just touch that kiss and she will be there.

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