Monday, March 5, 2012

Ribbons, and Bows, and Pink - oh, my!

Shopping for baby girls is so much different than shopping for baby boys.  Both are awesome in their own way, and maybe it's because this is all new, but shopping for girl babies is somewhat overwhelming!  There is so much stuff...

I remember being pregnant with the boys and looking at the girl clothes in awe - little socks and bows and ruffley panties.  So cute!  Now that I get to shop for a baby girl, I have gone on two separate shopping trips fully intending to buy tons of pink stuff, only to come home with a few girl things and a ton of things for the boys - there is so much cuteness for girls, I cannot narrow it down!  (Don't get me wrong, she DOES have stuff, just not nearly as much as I imagined I'd have bought by now.)

And, the coolest part, she also has a nursery!  It is so so pretty!!!  Lime green walls and purple butterfly bedding.  It's beautiful and I will share pictures as soon as I make my mind up about what I want to put where. 

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