Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I forgot to post about this (I know, shocking)

We had our anatomy ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and Jackson was really worried about having to miss school to go.  He said, "Mom, you can't just miss school whenever you want."  i explained that I'm the mom, I can decide when he can miss school and this was important to me to do as a family, but we also learned about anatomy a little and did talk about some science and math elements while we were there.  His argument?  "Well, if I have to miss school, can we at least find out if it's a baby brother or a baby sister??"  So, I caved.  (Yeah, I'm a sucker.)

We left the hospital with one very excited boy and one very mad boy.  Jackson got the outcome he wanted but Parker did not.  he originally wanted it to be a puppy, but if it wasn't a puppy he would settle for a brother.  Low and behold, it is a GIRL!

We couldn't be happier!  Even Parker has came around now and he's excited to be getting a baby sister.

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