Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of First Grade

Well, it's time. Jackson is starting first grade. He is excited, but nervous. I know, you're shocked, right?

We went to the Back to School picnic and met his teacher. She seems really nice and we're looking forward to another awesome year.

The first day rolls around, Jackson wakes up and gets ready. As he's getting on the bus, the driver "yells" at him. (She didn't really yell, but it was yelling to him. He's so sensitive.) So, he got off the bus and cried. I drove him to school. He cried.

Parker also claims he is having his first day of first grade. So, we're now doing a little homeschooling for preschool. We are working on the letter L and shapes and colors. We have determined Parker is smart, mean, and moves to the beat of his own drum. (None of this is new information, just confirmation!)

Day 2 Jackson was ok, got on the bus, everything seemed ok. Day 3, back to crying and refusing to get on the bus - mainly because it was the third driver in 3 days. When I dropped him off, he refused to go into school, tears and all. So, of course I cried when he couldn't see me. I had lunch duty that day and he was ok, but he did ask if he could come home with me after lunch. Um, no. (However, when I picked Parker up from my parents' house after lunch duty, he probably asked 59 times, "You have Jackson in da' car, Mom? You bring Jackson home with you, Mom? MOM! WHERE IS JACKSON?!")

We talked about fears and things that made us nervous and day 4 was better. There were no tears and Jackson got right on the bus. I'm hoping we've turned the corner. Parker informed me, again, "It's time for my first grade, Mom," and we went inside and started coloring our L paper.

**Pics to come

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