Thursday, May 26, 2011

Big Kid is a Karate Kid

So anyone that asks Jackson what he wants to be when he grows up already knows this... he wants to be a ninja. And, he's totally serious. So, we decided it would be best to improve his future butt-kicking career and get him into martial arts now. He's been there for almost a year and is now an orange striped belt. Within the next few months I look for him to move from kinder karate to youth karate. (In youth karate they get solid colored belts - and eventually will become a black belt if he sticks with it.)

Every three months, Jackson is eligible to "belt test" where he goes in front of his sensei and another judge. He has to demonstrate skills, or "do moves" as Jackson says. He has to know the Japanese words for things - colors, numbers, body parts, moves. The picture right above this paragraph is Jackson doing his kata. I'm really proud of how far he's come in a short time.

(That's Jackson on the right and Darby on the left. They belt tested together, but she decided to focus on other things for the summer, so she isn't doing karate anymore.)

On May 22, we had a karate competition - there were schools from other states there even, for real like Karate Kid style. I honestly did not realize it would be that big a deal, but it was, and I was shocked. Every kid got a trophy, but y'all know how competitive I am... of course I need to say Jackson had the best score of the orange striped belts. He did his basic skills and got scores of 7.4, 7.4, and 7.5. During the sparring portion, he won against his opponent. He was really just excited to get another trophy that weekend.

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