Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our preschool is amazing. Jackson has flourished there - he has grown by leaps and bounds and enrolling him there was one of the best decisions we've made for him and his developmental needs. The teacher (who, by the way, should be a saint, she's amazing!) holds conferences but doesn't require you to come - if there's a concern, they call you to set one up, otherwise, they tell you to schedule one if you'd like.

They didn't request a conference (yay!!) but we wanted to see where Jackson stands, how he's progressed this year, and what he needs help with to be ready for 4 year old preschool.

They have an assessment sheet and grade with an M, E, N structure - M means mastered, E means it's an emerging skill, and N means it needs improvement. I'm ok with him having areas that need improvement, I'm totally aware that not every kid develops at the same rate. The most frustrating part of the entire conference for me was that things he told her he doesn't know, he does know - he knows it, I know he knows it, and SHE knows he knows it. For example, they count the days on the calendar each day. So, logically I reason he can count to 31, right? When tested, he only counted to 7. WHAT?! She asked him to count as high as he could and he stopped at 7. She said, "Then what?" and he said, "I don't know." She showed him shapes, he named them all except a rectangle. He knows what it is, he told her later that same day! He just didn't want to do it at the time.

The main things he needs to work on was matching sounds that are the same (that was his only N.) Basically, they say, "Today is Wednesday, what else sounds the same as Wednesday?" The correct answer is stuff starting with W - usually they do the names of kids in the class, so Will and Whitney. Jackson knows all his letter sounds, but just decided not to answer... He also needs to work on his grasp with the pencil and his scissor skills. But, on the upside, there is SO much he has mastered. He knows all his colors, can sort items into categories, he can identify his name in print, he knows what letters are in his name, has excellent motor skills - running, hopping, coordination. He follows directions, is easy to understand when he speaks, can sit for stories and participates in group activities. He knows his full name, can separate from his parents (he can - the paper even says so!!), plays well with his peers, asks for help when needed, and takes care of his potty issues himself.

My main concern was that he was not on target with other 3 year olds but it seems he is, if he can just get past the stubbornness. I don't know how much is him being stubborn, how much is his SPD, how much is typical... Apparently, he's doing well, he just needs a little work in a few areas. So, we'll practice things that need practice. She stressed that we shouldn't stress about it and don't stress him out about it. So, I feel better about it, but frustrated at the same time...

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