Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rebuilding Lives

Baby girl awoke earlier than usual this morning. But really, it was no biggie, I was up already - Parker likes to sneak into my bed in the middle of the night to cuddle, which I love, but he forgot to stop at the potty on the way, so I awoke to wet sheets.

I was a little irritated, he's almost 4, Jackson was never this hard to potty train and he HAS special needs so I'm not sure why our "normal" son is having problems, but whatever. I try to be understanding and accepting. Each kid is different, each kid has their own time table...

Anyway, Parker was awake, Delaney was awake. I was awake. But it wasn't even 6 AM and I don't even think the chickens were awake yet! (The sun certainly was not. Our rule is no kids out of bed before the sun.)

I was nursing Delaney and perusing my Facebook on my phone when I saw pictures from my friend Meg. Her house caught fire last night, they lost everything. When she heard the smoke detector, she at first thought it was her alarm clock, but realized it wasn't. She grabbed her three year old, Memphis, her purse and a blanket and ran out the door. They literally have only the clothes on their backs.

I sent her a text to let her know I was here and that's when it started. My other friend, Steph and I started getting things together. Steph called her church and they're accepting donations there, we set up some fundraising at work, started getting things in place. I'm trying to help as much as I can because I just cannot fathom...

Meg awoke to literally run for her life, stopping to only grab the absolute most important thing in the world to her.  I awoke with the most important things surrounding me and was frustrated and annoyed. I am disappointed with myself for being like that this morning. I'm going to try to make it a point to be more thankful. (I already really try. I know everyday is a blessing.)  But, you know what? Tonight Meg will go to sleep, cuddled up to the most important thing in her life and know, for certain, how loved she is. There was a huge outpouring of love and support.

People always talk about the bad things, people being jerks, crime, etc. I want to tell you about all the good things I saw today.

Steph and I were standing at the bar, talking about how we could help Megan. A guest was there eating his lunch, minding his business. He didn't say anything to us, paid his bill and left. About an hour later, he returned and handed Steph bags and bags of new clothes for Memphis, towels, pillows... He went to Target and bought these things. He also went to Home Depot where they donated gift cards. Kindness from strangers.

I work in a restaurant, so it's not like many of us are swimming in cash. But every single employee today asked me how they could help. One of the guys who also lived in the house but wasn't there and didn't lose anything except his XBox still can't get in to get his things out. I asked what he needed (toothbrush? deoderant? anything?) He said, "Don't worry about me. Help me take care of Meg and Mems." What an awesome guy!

The point here is be thankful for today, say what is in your heart. And when you see those "What would you grab in a fire" posts on Facebook, think about it. I have 2 evacuation plans from our house, I know exactly what I would grab if I could. The boys know how to get out and where to meet. We are prepared. Hopefully we never need to test that theory.

One last thing - check your smoke detector - it literally saved their lives. They lived in a rental house and did not even check the functionality when they moved it. (I mean, really, does anyone? Besides me, I mean!)

If you're eating out this Friday (Nov 16)- Please come to Buffalo Wild Wings in mason. We are donating 10% of all food sold to the people who lost everything last night. You gotta' eat, may as well help someone in the process, right??

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