Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Family Day

Last week, we decided to have a low key kind of hanging with the fam kind of day. We got up and went to lunch, then decided to go to the park. We took a walk around the lake, which is a mile and both boys walked the entire thing! (Ok, I did carry Parker for one minute at the end.)

(Parker is holding his hands up while we are going up the hill on the walk because that's what you do on roller coasters. Gosh, I love these crazy kids!)

Jackson was grabbing the leaves and just enjoying nature. It was such fun!

They played on the playground equipment - Parker thinks he's as big as Jackson and nearly gives me a heart attack every single time we're at the park. He climbs and jumps and runs... after being Jackson's mom for six years and parker's for two, I've learned to just cross my fingers, hope for the best, and always keep a first aid kit nearby.

After so much park fun, we wanted to cool off with some ice cream, so we made a pit stop at Chubby's. Jackson got his usual of vanilla dipped in red, Parker got swirl dipped in red, and Ben and I split a South Town Flurry with Reese Cups.

Once we got home, Jackson informed us we should do our exercises because his gym teacher said you have to work out to stay healthy - that consisted of push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and mountain climbers! This kid is six years old and loves to do healthy stuff. I hope this continues... (please excuse the mess... we were having fun and these pics are cute, so I decided to snap them even though there are toys on the floor and laundry on the couch!)

Seriously, this was one of the best days we have had in a long time and I went to work that night feeling so loved and so connected to my family. It was great.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's Been Arts and Crafts Time

... For Momma!!! Over the past few days, I've been overly crafty. For months, maybe even years, I have wanted vinyl wall words (search for them at www.etsy.com - there are tons, which is why I never ordered any!) I couldn't make up my mind, couldn't find the perfect one, so I decided to whip out my paint and do it myself.

Not too bad, huh?

The next thing I tried my hand at was wooden letters spelling the boys names. Again, something I've wanted for years, but could not convince myself to spend over $100 spelling two names. No thanks.

I went to Michael's and bought all the letters I would need.

Then, I ordered scrapbook paper in themes to match their rooms. (Jackson's is StarWars and Parker has SpongeBob... and yes, they share a room.)

Then, I traced the wooden letters onto the paper and cut them out.

Next, I used Mod Podge and a paintbrush to cover the wooden letters and then put the paper over the wood. I then brished another layer of Mod Podge over the paper to seal it off.

When I was done...

Not too shabby, huh?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Summer of Fun

We are trying to make everyday matter. Tat said, it's summer vacation and my boys are easily bored. But, they also are boys and they can get rowdy and crazy. They know if they behave today, we will do something fun tomorrow. If they don't we will stay home and clean and do nothing fun tomorrow instead. The top choices for summer fun... Kings Island (of course), the Zoo, the museum, swimming, and the library. We are enjoying every day and having so much fun.