Thursday, June 16, 2011

We have a first grader!

Well, as a family, we survived the first year of public schooling! I never thought kindergarten would be such an awesome experience for Jackson, but it was. He flourished.

When school started in August, we were both afraid that he would perform poorly because he was barely five. (There's a kid in his class that turned seven before Jackson turned six. Many people old their boys out for an additional year. We chose not to do that.) By the time parent teacher conferences rolled around, we were hearing how helpful and well behaved and polite our son was, and I have to admit, as a mother, I was damn proud! Jackson had overcome so much to get to that point, and it wasn't all easy, but he did it!

We got his report card in the mail the other day, he has mastered every skill except knowing his whole phone number. (He knows it, he just confuses himself.) By the end of kindergarten, their reading level should be D. By the end of first grade, it should be I. Jackson's is L!!! I am so, so proud.

And, Jackson's teacher was seriously a saint - she had a class of 14 boys and 6 girls. How she wasn't an alcoholic is beyond me. At the end of the year, she made a photo album of pictures from the year, how he wrote his name when school started and how he writes it now... it is the coolest thing I've ever gotten from a teacher.

First grade, here we come!

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