Saturday, June 19, 2010

The end of an era

So, after 13.5 years in showbiz, July 1 will be my last day at the movies. I started working there as a bratty, spoiled teenager scooping popcorn - I've ran the projectors, counted more money than I'll ever have, counted more inventory than I ever care to again, and heard people say, "$4.25 for a bottle of water?! How do you sleep at night?!" at least a million times. (And, now, water is $4.50, so there!) I have safety trained thousands of employees, hired probably as many, and fired a decent amount. I managed the concession stand for years, and did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

I met Ben while I worked there (at Kings Island as the concession manager), I got engaged and married while I was at Eastgate (which is now a parking lot), and had both my children while managing at Milford. I have made so many friends - lifelong friends that I will cherish - all from this job.

But, six months ago, things changed. I tried to stay and see how it worked out, and I decided it just wasn't for me. They can choose to run their company as they see fit, but it doesn't fit for me, so I have chosen to find employment elsewhere.

Starting on July 5, you can find me at a very popular wing joint. (I don't know their internet rules, but if it's allowed, I'll post the name later.)

Chicken Pox has invaded our house...

And, oddly, it's Parker that has them - I expected it would be Jackson first! It appears to be pretty mild right now - he has about 30 bumps and only one seems to be really itchy - Benadryl is managing that well. He doesn't seem to be having fevers or discomforts at this moment, knock on wood. But, if anyone needs chicken pox...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Jackson!!!

So, my baby is now 5. Five years old. It's so hard to believe that he's been a part of our lives for five years. We've had a lot of fun, we've learned a lot, and we've made a lot of mistakes. (Someone once said children are like pancakes - the first one usually gets messed up, but after that they come out really great!)

Jackson decided he wanted to have a party and invite his class. Luckily for us, the entire class didn't show up, just a good handful of his closest friends, and our family of course.

The theme was Transformers (I know, right?) We grilled out - burgers, hot dogs - and had potato salad, baked beans, chips, cake, and ice cream. The entertainment was a bounce house, which has proven to be one of the best investments of the summer!

We have a Karate Kid!

So, after soccer season ended, Jackson decided the next sport he should "play" is to be tae kwon do. Well, after much research looking for a studio that makes kids "learn to earn," so to speak. There are martial arts studios where after so much time and when you pay the fee, you get the next belt whether or not you have actually mastered any skills. We really didn't want that for Jackson, and the only place we could find that actually spelled out the belt policy was Ritter's Family Martial Arts Center in Mason.

After two weeks, Jackson has earned his first belt - a white belt. He is doing really well - he loves it. There are a lot of kids in his class, all different abilities and ages and he's very comfortable with the kids and the sensei. I am so, so happy we decided to do this!