Monday, April 26, 2010

Jackson sings...

So, they were learning about occupations at school - you know - doctors, teachers, vets, police men... The teacher asks everyone what they want to be - Jackson wants to be a superhero. When he conveys this to me, I suggested maybe he could find something a little easier (I didn't want to say realistic...) The next morning, he ran into my room and declared, "Mom! I know a real job I can be instead of a superhero. I'm going to be a rock star!!!" (He then proceeded to tell me he is a better singer than Justin Beaver (Bieber).

You know, I suck at blogging.

I really, really try to keep up. I do. I just can't. Life happens and I get behind, and before you know it, it's April and Christmas isn't posted yet. (Hey, I did post Christmas before now, right? I think I did.)

Anyway, here's a sort of get all caught up few posts. Sorry, I'm trying to be better.

Let's see what's going on... Friday, Ben and Jackson will go on a Daddy and me field trip to Sunrock Farms. Jackson is SO excited that Daddy is going with him on his field trip, since I'm the one who usually goes. He has a soccer game this upcoming Saturday - please come out and cheer the Green Lizards to victory.

Parker is getting so fast with the walking, it's running now. He is so loving and affectionate. Today, I babysat Emily's youngest daughters and Parker was so cute with baby Charley, who will be 1 this weekend. When Charley woke up from her nap, he hugged her and patted her... then he hugged and kissed me - making sure I wasn't jealous, I guess!