Saturday, October 17, 2009

Take me out to the ball game...


My boss and former boss (they're BFFs) gave us some tickets to the second to last Reds game of the season. We're not particularly fond of the Reds, but our little boy loves baseball (see my post about the t-ball and the world series) so that's all that mattered! We had really great seats, in fact someone a few rows up and one section over from us caught a foul ball.

Normally, as a family, we eat pretty healthily. This night, that went out the window! Jackson had so much junk food, I'm not sure how he wasn't sick! He had soda, cotton candy (first time), peanuts - yep, the kind in the shells - a pretzel with cheese, Twizzlers... But, I figure this was a special occasion, so we went with it!

The beginning of the cotton candy:


and the end result:


We had an awesome time and Jackson was on top of the world... thanks again to Jamie and Shaad for the tickets!

Time flies... 9 months already?


I cannot believe my baby boy is already 9 months old. He is getting so big! He weighs 22 pounds, 4 ounces and is 28.5 inches long. He's pretty much the exact same size as Jackson at this age!

So far, Parker says Dada a lot, Bub bub, Mom mom (but that's rare, and usually while he's crying.) He also says bite and Jackson!! He plays patty cake, peek a boo, and loves to crawl around and chase Jackson all over the house.

School is back in session!!

Jackson loves 4 year old pre-school. He LOVES it! His teacher is so awesome, he brings home a craft every day, he has a lot of the same kids from last year in his class... He is learning so much. It's awesome.

Here are some pictures from his meet the teacher night and first day of school.

The first day of school - yep, that's Gymboree with light up shoes - he chose it and loved it!


Here he is coming out of school...


Look Ma', no training wheels!

I cannot believe I am writing this... my 4 year old can ride his bike without training wheels! Yep, amazing, isn't it? He's been wanting to try it for months now and I kept saying no. There was a bike at my parents' house that had on training wheel broken, so my dad took the other one off. Jackson picked it up and took off!! I was so shocked, and proud, and nervous... but I just did what any other good Momma would do and said, "Great job, buddy, Momma is so proud of you!" Inside, I was thinking please don't wreck, please be careful, please watch out...