Wednesday, July 29, 2009

T-Ball, might as well be the World Series to Jackson

We are so busy having fun this summer! It's hard to believe school starts back in less than a month! Jackson is ready, though - he wants to see his friends and his teachers. We signed him up for t-ball thru the YMCA and he is LOVING it, especially his coach, Coach Damon. Apparently Coach Damon is the bees knees because what he says goes! Here is Jackson - his very first time up to bat. Yep that's Coach Damon -


Here he is after he ran home!


Here's what Parker does while Jackson plays t-ball (and then my Mom usually grabs him out of the stroller because you cannot resist those cheeks! And those kisses!!) *notice Parker has on the team colors? I also have a blue and white shirt - yes, I'm a dork!!


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