Wednesday, July 29, 2009

T-Ball, might as well be the World Series to Jackson

We are so busy having fun this summer! It's hard to believe school starts back in less than a month! Jackson is ready, though - he wants to see his friends and his teachers. We signed him up for t-ball thru the YMCA and he is LOVING it, especially his coach, Coach Damon. Apparently Coach Damon is the bees knees because what he says goes! Here is Jackson - his very first time up to bat. Yep that's Coach Damon -


Here he is after he ran home!


Here's what Parker does while Jackson plays t-ball (and then my Mom usually grabs him out of the stroller because you cannot resist those cheeks! And those kisses!!) *notice Parker has on the team colors? I also have a blue and white shirt - yes, I'm a dork!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A little bit of Kentucky

We decided to go for a visit to Kentucky - where I'm from. The house I grew up in was in need of some repair and my whole family has been down there all week getting it done. My dad had to remove 3 rooms, he built a new porch, put on a roof - a lot of work. It looks awesome!

On the new porch



Parker loves his Granny!


Jackson at Natural Bridge




Parker and Ben at Natural Bridge


My husband, the rock star, on the way home...


Summer at Our New House

We love our new house. We love our yard. We love our bedrooms. We love the hardwood floors - we love all of it! The boys love playing outside and we love watching them.



Robbins Family Reunion

Ben's family has a reunion every year - we go out to Aunt Donna's farm, fish, eat tons of food and catch up. This year was no different except Jackson is now old enough to know what fishing is, and requires that we do it the whole time!! Luckily, we ran out of worms early, so that worked well for us!



Aren't they the cutest things you ever did see??