Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An amazing time to be an American

I know this isn't specifically about my kids, but it is, really, so I'm posting it. This is copy and pasted from a board i post on, so if you post there, skip it - you've already read it... :)

We all know how i feel about Obama winning - of course I am ecstatic - I have been an Obama supporter since, well, there was a race to support almost. That said, I think the election yesterday opens up a whole lot of things that my brain is still processing.

I spent a lot of time on the internet yesterday, seeing people spew forth hate about keeping the White House white, people arguing about Prop 8 in Cali (I'll get to that in a minute.) People saying they didn't like McCain or Obama, so they'd just stay home. There were 2 local races - one for school levies and one for a fire leve - both extremely important locally - they were within 10 votes. People's votes really did matter - the people that stayed home really could have made a difference on a local level and it saddens me that they didn't care. There were things on the ballot I left blank - mostly uncontested races (I mean, what's the point of voting, there's no write in spot and no one opposing them - they win.)

I know a lot of people are concerned that Obama is just a good talker and won't have the walk behind him - well, of course he will have challenges and struggles, but that's true of any President. I think this is an amazing time to be an American...

Now, in the same breath, I am going to say I am SO saddened to be American. On the ballot yesterday here were things like should there be a casino (I say yes, but, eh, the rest of Ohio says no and I understand the reasoning to a point.) Should payday lenders have a cap on the interest? I say no, sometimes those loans really DO help people in a bind, but the rest of the state disagreed with me again. Neither of those 2 things are going to affect my life from day to day - those 2 issues were the most pressing things on my ballot locally. In 4 states yesterday, they had serious, serious life changing issues. I know we don't all agree on this issue and I don't care to debate or argue about it, I just want to say my piece and I'll listen you your piece, but in the end I just want everyone to love each other.

In Florida and Arizona, it was decided that same sex marriages shouldn't be allowed. In Arkansas it was decided that same sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children - children who will otherwise just sit in foster care, never having a forever family. You all know how I feel about adoption and know I'm going to say 2 loving moms is better than no loving parents. How in the world can we elect a black man as President and not see the importance in allowing 2 loving people to become parents to children who will otherwise never have a chance to be part of a family? It hurts my heart, it really really does.

I am afraid to see how California's Prop 8 turned out, I literally cannot make myself go to google and look up the result - when I went to bed it wasn't looking good - writing discrimination into a constitution - I just cannot fathom how taking rights away is ever a good move forward.

In my opinion, Sarah Palin really was the nail in McCain's coffin. I would not have had an ounce of worry over HIM in office - I know the President doesn't control everything - I know there are checks and balances, I'm not so naive that I think the President just flashes a charismatic smile and that's that. But, I am so exactly the opposite of Palin and every single thing she is for - from banning books to her religious beliefs, to her views on abstinence only education, to the fact that she just strikes me wrong - I really do feel like she was the icing on the cake of McCain's loss. In fact, I know several people who could not bring themselves to vote for McCain based on the what if of McCain dying and leaving her if office.

My state used to be considered a red state, last night it turned blue, as did Pennsylvania, Florida, Indiana, and Virginia. There are STILL precincts in my state not 100% reporting because there was a snafu with the electronic reader things... makes me wonder how important those people feel like their vote is... to me their vote was important - every vote is important, but the election was called about 20 minutes after the polls closed in California.

I know there are those of you who really are scared about what the next 4 years will bring, I really hope Obama can stand true to himself and his beliefs and really make a difference. I'm also SO excited for the entire Obama family - can you imagine how happy his little girls are today?

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