Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Almost Parker Time!

So, as I realize it is almost time for baby Parker to make an appearance, I realize I am not as ready as I thought, but I'm no where near as stressed as I should be! Parker's room is not done - it still has the border from Jackson's room up, eh, no biggie - I'll get to it! The valances aren't here yet, but thanks to a good friend (love ya', Tracy - you rock!) they are coming! At least clothes and diapers are washed... mostly. I am waiting for some diaper covers, I am in the process of Spring Cleaning in the Fall - we need to condense... I have to throw a lot away and I just can't. I MAY need this stuff one day...

Today, we went on a field trip with Jackson's school, my big boy rode a bus - a school bus - with no seat belts or car seats... and I didn't die of anxiety! I'll post pictures later!

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