Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Almost Halloween!

Jackson has recently discovered dressing up. He really, really is into it right now. So, of course, I have to indulge him since I never thought he'd be ok with such weird stuff touching him.

So far, we have a "Menja" (which is a ninja), Dash Incredible, Darth Vader, Spiderman - the red one, not the black one because he said the black one might scare the other kids, and look what we got today - is this not the cutest thing EVER??


The Pumpkin Patch

Jackson went on his first ever field trip... can you believe it - he's already old enough for field trips?!! And, he went there on a bus, without a car seat... (you KNOW that gave me anxiety, but I got over it...)

I went along as a chaperone and we all had a great time. There was a hay ride, these little houses for the kids to play in, and of course, they all got to choose a pumpkin. I, on the other hand, got to meet Jackson's girlfriend, Kaitlynn, who is quite the cutie!!

This is on the bus

They had to find objects hidden in corn kernels.

And this is Jackson and Kaitlynn playing in the little houses.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Almost Parker Time!

So, as I realize it is almost time for baby Parker to make an appearance, I realize I am not as ready as I thought, but I'm no where near as stressed as I should be! Parker's room is not done - it still has the border from Jackson's room up, eh, no biggie - I'll get to it! The valances aren't here yet, but thanks to a good friend (love ya', Tracy - you rock!) they are coming! At least clothes and diapers are washed... mostly. I am waiting for some diaper covers, I am in the process of Spring Cleaning in the Fall - we need to condense... I have to throw a lot away and I just can't. I MAY need this stuff one day...

Today, we went on a field trip with Jackson's school, my big boy rode a bus - a school bus - with no seat belts or car seats... and I didn't die of anxiety! I'll post pictures later!