Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome Baby Delaney!

She is finally here!!  Delaney Brielle Anderson was born on Saturday, June 9 at 8:55 AM.  She weighed 7 pounds even and was 19.5 inches long.  Jackson was over the moon excited about her, Parker was a little unsure the first day and chose to check out the vending machines instead of the baby sister, but in the days since, he's come around and he loves her to pieces.

We decided to have one last family of 4 picture the night before she was born.  Looking at it now, as my good friend Sarah said, it looks like something is missing - Delaney completes us.  She was the perfect addition to our family.  See?

Lots of people say going from 1 to 2 kids is easy (I agree with that) but going from 2 to 3 was really hard (so far, not so much) and if you have 3, you should just go ahead and have 4 (not happening here!) I think this is the perfect family for us and we are all so, so happy!!