Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Yellow Belt!

A few months ago, Jackson began taking karate lessons once a week at Ritter Family Martial Arts Studio in Mason. We really just wanted a "thing" for him to do between sports, and he wanted to try this. He had his first belt test at the end of September and got promoted to a Yellow Strip Belt! (In his studio, they are in kinder karate til they turn 6. Basically these belts mean nothing - no one says, "Back up, I'm a yellow stripe belt!" - he will get solid color belts when he starts youth karate in a year or 2. Those are the real deal.)

The Parents of a Kindergartener

I cannot believe how fast the past 5 years have flown by. Jackson is officially a kindergartener! He is so excited - the most awesome part of going to school? Riding the bus, of course!!

So far, this year has been great - his teacher reports he is a great listener and a good helper. He does what he is asked and loves to learn.

He has learned to read, he can tie his shoes... where did my baby go?!!