Friday, February 6, 2009

Parker is a Little Piggy!!

Parker had his one month appointment today (yes, I know he's 6 weeks old - that's when they scheduled it.) My dad and I were making bets this morning about how big he is - my dad voted 8.5 pounds, I said 10 pounds. Yeah, he weighs 11 pounds, 5 oz.! And, he's 23 inches long. I can't believe how fast he's growing!

And, before anyone criticizes me, I promise I won't let him get a complex from the name Little Piggy - we called Jackson "Chunky Monkey" for years and he's ok. Parker is "Little Piggy" because he makes a snorting sound when he's trying to eat but is too overly enthusiastic - it's really rather cute. Add to that the fact that he's growing like a weed and there you have a nick name!!

I will post some new pictures later, hopefully tonight.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Brother's Love is... a Brother's Love

(Can you name the movie that quote came from??)

Anyway, Jackson has adapted really well to being a big brother - he helps change diapers and Parker has yet to pee in Jackson's big brown eyes. (That was a source of major worry before Parker was born.) Jackson gets a little worried that people are going to keep "his" baby because people always say, "Can I just keep him?" We've been working on that and now Jackson says, "They're going to give him back, right, Mom?" It's a 2 way street with the affection already - Parker adores Jackson, too, he always smiles when Jackson talks to him.

Here are some new pictures from this past week...




