Thursday, January 29, 2009

March for Babies

So, it's that time of year again - the March for Babies is coming up and we're participating for the second time. We really look forward to raising money to help the March of Dimes research prematurity and hopefully one day, all babies will be born healthy.

For those that don't know, my nephew Hunter was born 10 weeks early and thanks to the amazing work of the March of Dimes and all the research they've done, Hunter is now almost 2 years old and had no ill effects from being born so early. The March of Dimes saves babies every day and I'm so glad they're around...

Everyday, I am glad that my boys were born healthy. I am thankful that I never needed the March of Dimes. So, for that, we'll be walking this year, and next year, and the next...

If you'd like to help, please make a donation today!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Parker Liam Anderson

He's here, he's here, Baby Parker is finally here!! Here are the basics - born Friday, December 26 at 1:28 PM by repeat c-section. He came out screaming and has been amazing ever since! He weighed 7 pounds, 7 oz., was 21.5 inches long.

Jackson is in love, he has never been more proud or more excited about anything in his life!!! So far, we're doing pretty well adjusting to life with 2 boys.

And, now for the good stuff... the pictures!